Rebecca Wolf

This blog is a chronicle of my daughters' growth - born July 2003 and May 2007. Be sure to check out the Thriving Babies homepage, for videos and instructions on how to use every type of baby carrier. For literacy and homeschooling tips, visit my Rochester-based Learning Center blog at

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Are ALL Toddlers Social Butterflies?

Friends are becoming very important to Arianna. We went to the museum with her friend Rowan and that's all she could talk about all day. It tickled her to no end that she saw her best buddy at the museum. They had a lovely time together.

When we got back from grocery shopping today, she started crying as soon as we got out of the car because she wanted to go to our neighbor's house and visit. As if she didn't see enough people in the store and at the library!

I am amazed by how social she is. She walked straight up to the librarian this morning and started talking to her immediately upon our arrival. They had a wonderful chat and Arianna told her that she had a bird named Squawky that liked to eat belly buttons! I had to chime in that it wasn't a REAL bird, just a mischievous puppet. Arianna wanted to know if she had any books about Squawky birds eating belly buttons. The librarian had quite a chuckle about this request and explained that they had books on birds and books on belly buttons, but none that put the two together.

As an introvert, I try to provide my daughter with as many social interactions as I can withstand because a) she absolutely loves it, and b) I am hoping she won't be plagued with the insecurities and shyness I suffered from as a child.

Hmmm, I think the plan is working!

P.S. Hope the socialization plan doesn't backfire on me when she is a teenager.


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