Rebecca Wolf

This blog is a chronicle of my daughters' growth - born July 2003 and May 2007. Be sure to check out the Thriving Babies homepage, for videos and instructions on how to use every type of baby carrier. For literacy and homeschooling tips, visit my Rochester-based Learning Center blog at

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Color Me Mine

Arianna attends the Kanack School of Music in Brighton. She enjoys her lessons and her improvisation classes with Alice Kanack and this year they have a 100 days of practicing marathon going on. It's really been a wonderful incentive to get Arianna in the habit of practicing every day. Even though I'm not an advocate of external rewards, it only took about one week of me sticking to me guns and insisting that Arianna practice right after breakfast to start establish a good habit. She still hasn't claimed many of her prizes, but she was very excited about the Color Me Mine pottery painting studio.

It's a great idea for kids and adults. It's set up so you can select your greenware, sit at a table, select your glaze, brushes and stamps/stencils and get to work. It took Arianna over an hour to finish the unicorn that she found. It turned out pretty well too, given the intricacy of the piece. My only complaint is it's rather pricey. The unicorn was $28 and with the studio fees, I was out $35. It took one week before it was ready to pick up.

I think it's a great idea for someone who is looking for a handmade gift for a special person or occasion. Then we went to Coldstone Creamery and Arianna received a free kid's creation (and I got a sundae for me and the baby)!
