Rebecca Wolf

This blog is a chronicle of my daughters' growth - born July 2003 and May 2007. Be sure to check out the Thriving Babies homepage, for videos and instructions on how to use every type of baby carrier. For literacy and homeschooling tips, visit my Rochester-based Learning Center blog at

Thursday, July 14, 2005

We're baaack!

What a wonderful trip we had to Florida! The real estate conference was excellent; I learned so much about investing, finances, taxes, legalities, what paperwork to use, how to protect your assets and how to craft a good deal. Knowledge truly is power. Even if we never invest in real estate again, this information will easily pay for itself when we sell and buy our own houses in the future.

Andrew's mom was kind enough to watch Arianna for the ENTIRE weekend, while we attended the event together. She did the same thing last year, when we went to the Entrepreneur's conference in Orlando. She stayed with us in the hotel and we came up during breaks to check in. I don't know of many folks who are able (and willing) to just step into our parenting shoes like that -- what a special gift we were given!

I know Arianna enjoyed getting to know her Mema better, too. When we went back to Mema's house after the conference, we were delighted to find that she had childproofed her house for Arianna. All of the things she cared about were placed out of reach, but she thoughtfully left out a few little animal statues and tons of children's books, so Arianna could feel completely at home at Mema's (and we did too because we didn't have to rush around constantly telling her not to touch this or that).

Mema really welcomed us into her home and as a result, she got to see Arianna at her best -- giving her hugs and kisses, curling up with her and a favorite book, playing spontaneous games of peek-a-boo, watching her heartily tuck in to food that you bought and prepared just for her, and of course, being woken up to a happy toddler throwing the sheets off of her ready for another day of fun together!

I think Arianna's favorite part of the whole trip was going to the ocean. When Mema asked us if we wanted to go to the zoo or the ocean again, Arianna made her wishes clear by decisively stating, "The ocean!" Arianna is a true water person (and sign) like her parents! (Mema loves the water too; I don't know many grandmas who can body surf like she can.) Arianna also enjoyed getting to know her cousins, Isaiah and Emerson, and her Aunt Khadijah. Mema bought an ice cream cake for Arianna's birthday (she turns 2 tomorrow) and we all celebrated together.

I was thinking about having a zoo themed party for her birthday. We are going to celebrate Saturday or Sunday, I'm still not sure yet. It doesn't really matter though, because we always have fun when we get together with family and friends!

Thank you for such a wonderful visit, Mema!

Rebecca, Andrew and Arianna


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