Rebecca Wolf

This blog is a chronicle of my daughters' growth - born July 2003 and May 2007. Be sure to check out the Thriving Babies homepage, for videos and instructions on how to use every type of baby carrier. For literacy and homeschooling tips, visit my Rochester-based Learning Center blog at

Friday, July 22, 2005

Sick and Tired

Well, Arianna turned two last week and this week she spiked her first fever. She's been teetering around 101 and 102 for the past few days. This morning, she slept until 10 a.m. and then refused to take a nap in the afternoon, which left me feeling a bit frazzled. She has been getting easily frustrated -- saying she wants water and then throwing a fit because she changed her mind and wants milk and then throwing a fit when I give her some, proclaiming she wants water too.

I try to be patient, because I know she is sick. She has also been taking 3 hour naps, which helps a lot. But today, no nap. No other visible signs of illness except the fever and the crankiness. Whatever it is, I hope it passes quickly. I can't handle anymore of these no nap days!

The birthday party was awesome, by the way. We had 7 little ones running around going on a little "safari hunt" and they each received a visor to decorate with animal stickers, as well as a goodie bag with bubbles, animal crackers, gummi bears, a stretchy snake, a power ball and an expanding foam animal. Can you guess what our theme was? Arianna LOVED having her friends over and asked for them on the following day. She got really great books and clothes and she behaved like a good little hostess the entire day.

She still doesn't like to be sung to or blow out candles, but other than that, it was all good. My neighbor even said it was the best birthday party for a two-year-old she has ever seen. (Okay, I did get a little teacherly at the beginning -- I had everyone introduce themselves and put names on visors, so we all knew each other, and then I read some animal books and led our guests in a few choice animal songs and finger plays. I TRIED to contain myself and not direct the entire party, but it was tough!)

I think the directed activities at the beginning helped the kids interact with each other, so they all felt pretty comfortable playing informally later. I felt rather foolish leading the adults in the songs and rhymes, but everyone was good-natured about it. Ring Around the Rosy with impromptu animal verses was a big hit, as was the safari hunt and the rocking horse Marnie gave Arianna. The lake had turned over, so we couldn't play in the water because it was freezing.

I like planning parties (this is the seventh one I've planned, to date) and would love to write a little ebook about my favorite themes and activities for children and adults. Ahem, after I finish my baby carrier ebook first, that is.

Sorry the posts are so infrequent, but I am taking two online classes right now and am a little pressed for time. Gotta' love doing homework when you're in your thirties! At least I don't have to GRADE it.


P.S. Happy 65th Birthday to Andrew's Dad, Walker!
Hugs and kisses and best wishes on your special day!


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